A dark witch who knows no bounds

A dark witch who knows no bounds

AMF Publishing

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Hermit Tarot

When the tarot card, the Hermit came up for me to write about, I just laughed.  I am always referring to myself as a hermit.  In my previous life (old job) I was in the investment industry, managed quite a few reps. And handled A LOT of accounts.  I did speaking engagements etc., and naturally, I am pretty outgoing, of course when I am not in front of a group.  Always on the phone…my phone rang nonstop. 
So, when I left that business, I became a hermit. Not having to be on the road traveling, being on the phone.  To this day I still hate the phone.  And it doesn’t mean I like to text all day either.  After years of that, I don’t think I will ever get back to the point where I want to start that up again.

Generally speaking, I would say depending on my company, I can be a bit introverted.  

What does it mean when you draw that card?  What in astrology is it associated with?
Well, Virgo which is ruled by Mercury.  Which to me seems wrong, just from my perspective.  First of all, Virgo rules service to others, health, healing.  Cops and nurses can be found as Virgos.  Does that sound like a group who has to be to their selves?  I didn’t think so.  When I think Hermit, I think the sign Cancer.  But what do I know?  If you are still reading then I guess you may think I am worth reading? 
Anyway- The Hermit card represents that we need to get away from the hustle and bustle.  Quiet time to reflect and take care of ourselves.  Well, Virgo may have a foot in the door there.  Depending on the reading it may represent someone in your life.  

I am a writer, a blogger…I write books.  My face is always in the computer.  Every once in a while I flip on the news so I can pick a subject to have a tangent on, then I blog it on one of my sites and move on to my freelance work and my books. So, I guess I could say I am in my own head a lot, which can be dangerous. My head is a plethora of the space channel’s latest rant on what we are finding in space or a diaper change I just did for my youngest all the way down to book marketing to some random news feed I just read that was disturbing. I have an older son; teenager and I will just say he in his own right is enough mental stimulation in half an hour than I get out of breaking down the economics of a small country’s debt issues.  I have days where watching paint dry may be just what my brain needs.
So “hermitizing” as I call it, is a way of life.  I just tell anyone who has drama to “cancel my subscription, I don’t need your issues.”  I even have the t-shirt and proud to wear it. 
So, when you get this card, it is a good thing.  Take time for yourself and stay away from people who just weigh you down with their problems and gripes.  Be a friend, not an enabler.  We have enough of those people.  Heal, mediate, relax. A person can take what they want when they draw this card, but for me it represents something that needs addressing from the inside or a break from the outside. Depending on what kind of reading your are doing will also have significance, but that is another post!

Are You Ready…To Open Pandora's Box?

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Chariot Tarot Card

The Chariot Number 7 

Trump Card in the Major Arcana represents a few different aspects.  First, it is associated with the astrological sign Cancer which is ruled by the moon.  
Think about family, maternal, motherly, and emotional when this card is drawn.  Possibly secretive when thinking of Cancer or the crab.  How does a crab react?  

As far as the chariot goes, it represents a level of focus and determination.  There are two views on if the chariot represents aggression or defense?  The two Sphinx depicted in black and white represents light and dark or simply a  balance. With the curtain of celestial bodies that hangs over the man in the chariot signals the powers of the universe.
The meaning is dependent on what kind of reading is used. For the purposes of general discussion, I think the information that the quarant may take from this card in a reading is subjective.
From my perspective in regards to the astrological association, this card to me could very easily go either way.  However, the chariot is in itself a mode of transportation, movement, going forward for any reason to fight or in defense.  Whatever it may be, it is certain that with the Sphinx is representative of oracles and the Egyptians regarded them as very important.  It could represent a choice between the two concepts of fight or defend and that interpretation if left up to the quarant.  


Two lovers say goodbye. Each departing for their own journey.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Hierophant

The Hierophant- most often depicted as a religious figure or priest, this is most often the 5th card of the Major Arcana.  Also, this card is associated with the astrological sign of Taurus the Bull.
So what does it mean to draw this card in a reading?  It depends on what kind of reading you are doing.  However, in general terms this card wants you to conform to traditional values or be merciful.  It can also symbolize the connection to Earth and the Heavens.
With the Taurus, association signifies stability and peace. Think relationships and forgiveness.  Notice the priests at his feet and see the columns which can represent stability and strength.
From the author’s perspective, I can’t see this card being negative even if drawn in reverse.  Sure it may represent a difficult situation that may pose challenges, but this card speaks to determination and seeing something to fruition.  


I know a lot of Taurans, and one thing they are not is unstable.  In fact the opposite, they can be quite stubborn!  I mean that in the nicest way😊
Not a thing wrong with a Taurus unless the person is severely immature or goes to the very materialistic side of things and that is all that drives them.  That is just the con of being in that sign.  All signs have a good and not so good side.  No one is perfect! A good down the middle Taurus and a representation of the Hierophant says there is something in a higher power to guide you, comfort you and show you that through stability things can be achieved.